- I finally got a job, and then promptly quit. It's a long story, but basically I was hired to work as a canvasser (the person who rings your door bell or comes up to you on the street to ask you to sign a petition about some issue, in my case, clean water/environmental affairs.) I like to consider myself a socially concious person, and all of the people at the organization were really young, friendly, and enthusiastic, so I was excited, but after a week of basically being forced to stand in the hot sun for ten hours trying to con people out of their money, I was less impressed. I did some research and found out that the whole organization is more or less a big scam. I'm trying not to let it dirty my image of non profit orgs, but I will admit my wide eyed enthusiasm has waned a bit. Oh AND they're currently being sued for violating workers' rights laws. Yeah...over that.
- My allergies have been INSANE this summer for some reason. Last week I had such an awful coughing fit that I sent myself into a full on asthma attack. I had to break out my inhaler for the first time since I was about twelve.
- I'm taking a summer math class. It blows. The end.
- My aunt bought a puppy. I named her Miley in an unironic show of appreciation for Miss Cyrus. She's cute and sassy and a little dimwitted and she has a bit of an overbite. It's a fair likeness.
- PLANNING ANOTHER TRIP TO LONDON. maybe, kinda, I hope. fingers crossed.
- Seeing Adam Lambert in concert was out of this world, and I mean that not only because his performance was absolutely amazing, but also because the behavior of the crowd (which was mostly scantily clad middle-aged women) was like nothing I have ever witnessed before. The whole thing was a phenomenal good time.
- I've become a person who wears rompers. Haven't decided if I'm okay with that but it's true.
- My cat enjoys the heat about as much as I do. We just sort of sit around pouting and trying to strike a balance between catching any possible breeze that comes our way and moving as little as we can.
- Remarkably, despite my vampiric tendencies, I have a bit of a tan.
- Speaking of vampires, I caught up on True Blood last month. ZOMG SO GOOD. I can't even handle it. There are no words that to do justice to the beauty that is Alexander Skarsgard.
- Lately I've been spending money like a fiend, and all of things I don't need. For example, all of a sudden it seems I have ten pairs of sunglasses.
- I have really missed this. I won't stay away so long again.
IT IS SO HOT RIGHT NOW. I'm gonna go sweat and complain! BYE!
listfully yours,
xoxo tess